About Me
Okay, to begin with, I want you to know that I’m not really comfortable talking 'about me'. So you may be thinking “Then why are you offering me your thoughts?” Good question. Hopefully, you will find the answer to that question in what I have to say.
First, the 'easy' stuff: My name is Sam Maniscalco. I, along with my wife and best friend Jackie, own and operate Salon M² (that’s pronounced M Squared, as in Maniscalco x 2) in Hoover, Alabama. I'm a big sports fan, and can usually tell you what's going on in the world of football, basketball, and baseball. I keep up with the rest of the sportsworld, though not as closely as I used to. College football is my favorite, and in my eyes, there is only one college football team that matters: The University of Alabama. Roll Tide!
Funny thing about that number 2, in that I am seemingly surrounded by it. Two sons. Two moms (mine and Jackie’s). Two daughters-in-law. Two grandchildren (so far). Two dogs. Two cars. Two homes (primary & lake). You get the idea…a lot of twos! Curiously enough, I have had two lives. DON’T LEAVE! I haven’t lost it. I’ve had two lives figuratively, not literally. Obviously, my first life began with my birth (September 27, 1952).
Okay, here's the 'stuff' about me that's not so easy to explain: My second life began in August of 2005. I wish that remembered the specific date, but I really don’t know that it matters. No, I wasn’t 'born again', at least not in the traditional sense, on that day in August (that came later). No, I didn’t die and come back to life. No, I didn’t assume a new identity. On that day in August I made a conscious decision that would change the course of my life. This change would lead to a series of life-altering events, which would not only affect me, but, hopefully, benefit the lives of those around me. What I want to share with you is drawn from both of my lives. My first life, filled with frustration and always 'coming-up-short', set the table for my second life, which has been nothing short of miraculous. Surprisingly enough, I wouldn’t take a thing for the memories of either one. What I didn’t have in the first 53 years makes me grateful for what I have been blessed with since. Regarding the 'about me' part let me offer you one final thought: They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Consider this website as being my eyes. I will offer you a new glimpse into my soul every Monday, and sometimes more often than that. In visiting, you will come to know who I am, but more importantly, I hope that you will know more about God. Contact me: sam@theseedofhope.com