The Seed of Hope

A gift for tomorrow

Can you imagine...

·         When you were a child, did ever feel the sting of a belt on your legs or your rear end because you disobeyed your parents?

·         Have you ever picked up a rose, only to find out the hard way that the thorns were still on its stem?

·         Ever step on a small nail, or maybe a carpet tack?

·         Do you look forward to shots or injections at the doctor’s office?

·         If you’ve ever been laughed at or made fun of, do you remember the humiliation that accompanied it?

·         What would your reaction be if you found out that you were going to die tomorrow?

·         What if you’d known for quite a while that you were not only going to die, but also that it would be an excruciatingly painful death?


What if you knew that you were going to experience each the examples listed above, not throughout the course of several years, but all in one day? How would you feel? Mortified? Depressed? Prayerful?


Jesus knew.


As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside privately and told them what was going to happen to him. “Listen,” he said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be betrayed to the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. They will sentence him to die. Then they will hand him over to the Romans to be mocked, flogged with a whip, and crucified.” Matthew 20:17-19


What was Jesus’ “reward” for being the Son of God?


·         His belt of punishment was a “flagellum,” a whip made of leather or rope with pieces of metal and bone in its thongs, which was designed to tear away the flesh of its victim.

·         His rose thorn was a crown of thorns that was pushed down on his head with such force that it penetrated both skin and bone.

·         His carpet tacks were nine inch nails that were driven through his hands and feet.

·         His injection was a spear that was thrust into his side as hung from the cross.

·         He was not only laughed at and spit on, but cursed, jeered at, and ridiculed, even as he drew his last breath.  


Jesus knew that he was going to die. What’s more, he knew the details. He knew the pain and suffering that awaited him. He knew that he would be inhumanely tortured, abused, treated worse than an animal, and ultimately, murdered. He knew all of this, yet he followed the path that his Father had laid out for him.


I remember the first time that I watched Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ a few years ago. Call me a baby if you’d like, but I recall my tear filled eyes peeking through my fingers of the hands that covered my face because I really didn’t want to see what I needed to see. As I did, I realized that for the first time in my life, I not only saw what Jesus went through, but actually felt it as well. I winced in pain and my heart broke with every lash of the whip, and with each swing of the hammer to drive in the nails. Dear God. Today, just as it was two years ago, I still cannot imagine the pain and suffering that Jesus went through for you and me.


I also remember feeling the sting of shame as I realized that while I offer my life to God every day and vow to take the path that He lays out for me, I honestly don’t believe that I could do what Jesus did. Not with his humility, not with his complete obedience, and certainly not for the sake of someone else. I just can’t imagine it…


Here’s the thing: When we seek the mind of Christ, to live through him and allow him to live through us, we learn that all we endure in the way of trials and tribulations, bumps and the bruises, and condemnation from others, all pale in comparison to what he endured for us.


Lord, may I see through Jesus’ eyes, hear through his ears, feel with his heart, and speak through his mouth. Grant me the mind of Your Son, and may I never take his sacrifice for granted.



Peggy wrote on 02/01/12 7:48 PM

All I can say is Amen! Amen! Amen! Your last paragraph says it all. Thank you Sam and may God bless you and Jackie in a very special way this week. Love to both of you.
Linda wrote on 02/02/12 11:23 AM

WOW!!!! Powerful. What a blessing to read these posts each week!
Angi wrote on 02/05/12 12:33 PM

I read everything you write and am always uplifted. This, for me is the best one yet! Thank you Sam! :-)

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