The Seed of Hope

A gift for tomorrow


You are correct in thinking that today is not Monday, which is supposed to be the day for new posts. This one couldn’t wait; well it could have waited. I just didn’t want it to!


I realized this morning that there is something that I need to share with you. Oddly enough, what I want to share with you is an invitation to share your thoughts with me, but perhaps not for the reasons you may think….


I don’t know if I have read, or heard this before, but it’s something that has etched itself into my mind, so I feel that I should convey it to you:


The smallest key can sometimes open the largest door.


Okay, I don’t know what that statement means to you, but I’m going to tell you what it means to me (you knew that was coming, didn’t you?).


If you’ve read “Our Story” you know that my world shifted on its axis, that the path of my life took a different course, because of three small words (“You get it.”) spoken by someone that I’d just met.


I don’t know this for sure, but if Scott Cook had not shared that simple thought with me, my life would not have taken the dramatic turn that it did, and many of the events that followed, including the inspiration for this website, might never have happened.


I believe with all that is in me that I have some “nugget of truth” for you. I also believe that you may have one, if not more than one, of those nuggets for me. If it is in you to share your thoughts with me, please do; I’ll be a better person for it.


If you don’t feel comfortable sharing with me, then share with yourself! You may be wondering “How do I share with myself?” I’ll explain:


If you read something that I’ve shared with you, and it triggers a thought, or a chain of thoughts, take note of it, and make a note of it. Some of my greatest “aha” moments, some of my greatest discoveries about myself, were a direct result of recording my thoughts, regardless of how seemingly insignificant they were at the time. Those small “discoveries” about me led to HUGE ones!


It’s when we look within that we see our fears or weaknesses, which we really don’t want to see at all do we? I mean, who wants to feel the hurt that often hides inside? No one does. I urge you to do it anyway. Why?


While you’re looking around in there (your mind) you are going to find some strengths that you never knew you had, and you are going to be overcome with, well, with a sense of satisfaction and elation that is beyond my description. This, in turn, will set you on a path of self-discovery that will be beyond your description!


Again, I welcome you to share your thoughts with me, for my benefit, but especially for yours. If nothing else, please, please share with yourself; you’ll be glad that you did.


The smallest key can sometimes open the largest door. That “door” is the portal to your mind.


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  • Joey Davis: Sam, I have needed to read the words of someone's spirit like this for some time...
  • Jesse Sacdalan: To the seed of Hope, the comment you placed, "Pryor to that time in history, God...
  • Stephanie Harrison: I also believe God works in mysterious ways Sam and it is by no mistake that God...
  • Susan Sellers: Sam, I am always touched by your messages. This one however, got me choked up. ...
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