Your Heart
Wednesday, October 15 2008 at 8:54 AM Thoughts & Quotes
When you open your heart to the world you shed the shackles of fear, resentment, doubt, and loneliness. In doing so you open your arms to embrace all that God and His magnificent universe has to offer you, and you realize that it has been there all along, but you were blind to it. A closed heart is accompanied by eyes that do not see.
Sam Maniscalco
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Most people, are afraid of opening up, on being vunerable and transparent. God sees us as who we really are, but as humans, most of us don't like our flaws and faults being out in the open. It scares us, simply because we like to be liked by all who know us. We are afraid that if our friends knew our flaws, they would not like us. As in the bible"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". The possibilities of opening our heart and life are endless. Thanks Sam for your inspiration.